Certified Water Efficiency Professional (CWEP™) –

Master the art of water efficiency and sustainable management.

The Certified Water Efficiency Professional (CWEP™) program provides individuals in the water and energy management field with the knowledge and tools necessary to implement best practices for improving water efficiency. As water becomes an increasingly precious resource, professionals with CWEP certification are essential in driving sustainability and efficiency efforts.

Who Should Become a Certified Water Efficiency Professional?

  • Are you an energy or building operations manager responsible for managing water systems as part of your organization’s sustainability program?
  • Do you oversee water supply and demand across multiple systems or facilities?
  • Do you have expertise in utility billing practices and the knowledge to reduce costs?
  • Are you a consultant who measures, verifies, and evaluates water usage and recommends strategies for reducing water-related expenses?

The Role of a Certified Water Efficiency Professional
CWEPs are often energy managers who focus on water efficiency, ensuring that water is used efficiently in existing buildings or as part of a larger sustainability initiative. These professionals possess specialized knowledge of water systems, utility billing practices, and government mandates related to water use. They audit systems, set realistic conservation goals, and deliver maximum benefits whether working on small or large-scale projects. Their expertise is instrumental in implementing water efficiency strategies for various organizations and industries.

What a CWEP Does for Your Organization
Certified Water Efficiency Professionals bring a deep understanding of water systems and technologies to the table, helping organizations reduce water usage, comply with regulations, and cut costs. They are skilled in:

  • Auditing water usage in facilities
  • Designing water efficiency strategies
  • Managing water supply systems
  • Understanding utility billing and related cost-saving measures
  • Implementing policies, mandates, and incentives set by local or federal governments

CWEP Body of Knowledge
The CWEP Body of Knowledge covers critical areas such as:

  • Water Conservation Policies
  • Benchmarking and Water Balancing
  • Measurement and Verification (M&V)
  • Domestic Plumbing, Kitchen, and Laundry Equipment
  • Irrigation, HVAC, and Mechanical Equipment
  • Pools, Sterilization, and Lab Equipment
  • Alternative Water Sources and Storm Water Management

Gain Global Recognition
CWEP certification is recognized across Sub-Saharan Africa and internationally as a prestigious credential in water efficiency. With growing concerns over water scarcity and rising costs, CWEPs are in high demand to help organizations achieve sustainability goals while reducing water consumption.


Ready to become a Certified Water Efficiency Professional?

  • Explore eligibility and application requirements.

Connect with existing CWEPs through our Certified Professionals Directory, LinkedIn groups, and local AEE chapters.

Stay Certified and Connected

Once certified, maintain your CWEP credential by staying up-to-date with renewal requirements. Engage with the water and energy community through professional development opportunities, conferences, and networking events.

Drive sustainable water management and efficiency in your organization by becoming a Certified Water Efficiency Professional through the Institute of Energy Professionals Africa (IEPA).