Certified Lighting Efficiency Professional - CLEP™

AEE’s Certified Lighting Efficiency Professional (CLEP™) program is designed to provide recognition for professionals who have distinguished themselves as leaders in the field of lighting efficiency. The designation CLEP identifies individuals who have demonstrated high levels of experience, competence, proficiency, and ethical fitness, bringing to their professional activities the full scope of knowledge requisite to the development and implementation of effective lighting efficiency solutions within the commercial, industrial, institutional and governmental market sectors.

What Will You Learn?
– Learn how to measure, verify and evaluate metrics for lighting efficiency projects, including available technologies, financial incentives and human-factor implications of a project.
– Learn how to reduce lighting-related energy consumption in a building, facility, or outdoor environment.
– Learn how to document a project, the potential ROI, and compare savings against other energy efficiency projects.
– Learn how to assess technologies for a given application.


Body of Knowledge

  • Language of Light and Lighting Efficiency
  • Lighting Quantity and Quality Fundamentals
  • Color, Visibility and Health
  • Traditional Light Source Lamps and Ballasts and their Operating Characteristics
  • LED Technology and its Operating Characteristics
  • Lighting Maintenance and Environmental Safety
  • Lighting Controls
  • Lighting Audits
  • Lighting Photometrics, Reports, and IES files
  • Lighting Calculations
  • Financial Analysis Metrics and Calculations

Excellent training, well managed by the administrators and well presented by the trainer. Great knowledge to be extracted from this training. I would certainly recommend it to anyone interested in lighting

Fannie - Rustenburg Municipality

Overall it’s a great training experience and course. The trainer made the online training fun, interesting and shared his years of experience.

Azhar - Standard Bank

Informative, easy to follow and understand. I am pleased with this experience.

Albert - Honeyguide Consulting Engineers

I have been in lighting for 23 years, and I worked as a sales rep for South African biggest manufacturing luminaire companies, Now operating my personal company sourcing and supplying luminaires, done my principles of lighting sometime ago and now this course has freshened my knowledge

Nkosiphendu - South Africa

Great training course to help my daily life and learn more about lighting in general. It was insightful learning training.


More about the Association of Energy Engineers CLEP

Lighting efficiency professionals understand a building’s lighting requirements based on the occupancy and use of a given space, whether the application is illuminating a new building or retrofitting existing buildings to the most current lighting technologies. They measure, verify, and evaluate lighting efficiency projects, including the human-factor implications, technologies, and financial incentives to compare savings against other energy efficiency projects and identify ROI.