Certified Water Efficiency Professional - CWEP™

The Certified Water Efficiency Professional (CWEP) program is designed to help educate and qualify individuals in the water/energy management field on best practices for improving water efficiency.

Water efficiency professionals are often energy managers that have selected to focus on, or expand into the specific area of water management. This may include improving water usage and efficiency in an existing building or implementing a sustainability program that includes water efficiency for their firm or organization. These individuals will understand water systems and technologies and will have specific knowledge on utility billing practices, and policies, incentives, and water specific mandates made by local municipalities, federal, or state governments. They use their specialized knowledge to assist firms or organizations, they audit existing systems, set realistic goals for new projects and get the most significant benefits when implementing systems at a small or large scale.

What you will learn:

  • Learn how to measure, verify and evaluate water usage for a given building or facility.
  • Learn the relevant terminology used by local municipalities, and federal and state governments, as well as their policies, incentives and water-specific mandates.
  • Learn about water billing for your company, client or facility, and what strategies to employ to reduce costs.
  • Learn how to compare and contrast water supply and water balancing options.
  • Learn what technologies are available to improve water efficiency.

Body of Knowledge

  • General Water Conservation Questions
  • Policy
  • Benchmarking
  • Water Balance
  • Units / Conversions
  • M&V
  • Domestic Plumbing
  • Kitchen Equipment
  • Laundry Equipment
  • Irrigation
  • HVAC / Mechanical Equipment
  • Pools
  • RO
  • Sterilization / Lab Equipment
  • Alternative Water Sources
  • Storm Water Management

This is a valuable course each water industry professional should consider. It teaches important considerations in improving water usage efficiency and would go a long way in reducing energy and water costs.

Lewis - Davis & Shirtliff Ltd, Kenya

Water is a scarce resource and there is a more and more need to conserve water. It is important to be able to demonstrate not just the savings but to motivate the payback period. Energy, due to its availability and cost, plays a major role in our economy and when included in the motivation for retrofitting or changing policy going forward on equipment choices, willcontribute to larger savings for the country.

Pierre - Virtual Consulting Engineers, SA

Richard has an indefatigable and contagious passion for the topic. Lots of experience and seems to really know everything about everything. Great course. Worth it.

Albert - Honeyguide Consulting Engineers, Renowned International Trainer

The course will give you all the basic tools and knowledge to be a successful water savings professional.

Petrus - Mediclinic Southern Africa

Well organised course in terms of admin, content and professional training and exanination process. Workshop Time Management is a critical component without compromising on interaction, especially when working with bigger attendee groups. Excellent Learning Delivery mechanism for a virtual platform and I promote a 100% physical exam process for exam candidate time management. Well Done AEE Team.

Shaym - SDM Consulting Engineers and Project Managers

More about the Association of Energy Engineers CWEP

This training program is designed to provide attendees with an understanding of industry best practices for effective and efficient water management. Over three days, our professional instructor will guide you through the principles and practices of greatest relevance and practical value related to improving water usage and enabling sustainable programs.