Certified Performance Contracting & Funding - PCF™
Launching in 2025!

The Certified Performance Contracting and Funding Professional (PCF™) is an internationally recognized certification, that was created to “raise the standard” for professionals who deal with “funding”, which affects nearly all projects. Certified professionals who have earned this distinction have demonstrated competence by passing an exam on the best practices in performance contracting, energy project funding and financing.
What Will You Learn?
– Understand traditional project financing requirements and arrangements
– Learn the language and terminology of performance contracting
– Learn advanced evaluation techniques for financing and performance contracting options
– Learn advanced presentation techniques, as well as how to report and validate ROI metrics and benefits
– Learn to avoid funding pitfalls and shorten project time scales
Body of Knowledge
- Traditional Financial Arrangements & Terminology
- Performance Contracts
- Advanced Financial Evaluation of Financing and PC Options
- Advanced Presentation Techniques
More about the Association of Energy Engineers PCF
This training program is designed to educate and qualify individuals involved in energy project development, funding, and implementation. Over three days, our professional instructors will guide you through the principles and practices of the most significant and practical value to performance contracting and financing for energy projects.
This program directly aligns with the certification program’s Body of Knowledge. The instructor provides more value than only preparing individuals to take the associated exam. He brings all candidates to a base level of understanding across a wide variety of PCF topics.